Signing of collaboration agreement between CLAUGTO and COFOCE

Yesterday, April 29th, Luis Rojas, Director of COFOCE, along with Rolando Alaniz and Alfredo Arzola, President and Director of CLAUGTO respectively, came together to formalize a collaboration agreement between both institutions.

The signing of this agreement establishes the creation of a collaborative intelligence unit. This unit will be dedicated to data analysis with the aim of identifying opportunities to strengthen the automotive supply chain in our region.

This agreement not only benefits COFOCE and CLAUGTO, but also has a positive impact on all parties involved in the automotive industry. Continuing along this path of collaboration is crucial to continue supporting the growth and development of this vital sector for our economy.

One of the most noteworthy aspects of this collaboration is the support it will provide to companies associated with CLAUGTO. Those companies interested in conducting detailed analyses of exports and imports, specifically regarding the behavior of tariff fractions, will find in this intelligence unit an invaluable ally.

The signing of this agreement represents a step forward towards a stronger and more competitive automotive industry in our region. COFOCE and CLAUGTO are committed to working hand in hand to continue creating the most dynamic automotive community in Mexico. 



Claugto Activities

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