
The Human Capital Committee is comprised of leaders representing the Human Resources departments of companies associated with CLAUGTO. The objective of this committee is to generate strategic human capital projects for the automotive industry, aiming to collaborate, build, and add value, as well as to generate relevant information for our partners to aid in decision-making.
The Suppliers Committee is a group of companies, all of them SMEs, with the aim of generating strategic projects for SMEs in the region; always seeking the professionalization of their companies and projecting towards other companies in the region. We work under two subcommittees: Products and Services.
The objective of the Operational Excellence Committee is to develop, implement, and strengthen strategies to promote improvement in the associated companies, through the linkage and collaboration of the industry, academic institutions, and government through training, the development of continuous improvement projects, and the provision of best practices that encourage innovation. The Operational Excellence Committee is composed of leaders representing the Manufacturing and Quality areas of the companies associated with CLAUGTO.

The committee is composed of procurement professionals from companies associated with CLAUGTO, whose objective is to develop and implement strategies in associated companies, strengthening the automotive supply chain in the state of Guanajuato, as well as the formation of specialized human capital to generate value through the purchasing department, thus fostering a differential advantage in the sector.

The Committee on Asset Security is comprised of leaders representing the Security area of the companies associated with CLAUGTO. The objective of this committee is to generate strategic asset security projects for the automotive industry, aiming to collaborate, build, and contribute, as well as generate relevant information for our partners to support decision-making.
